Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday. The long and short of it is we homeschool. We have 8 children.....yes, I know what causes it. Our oldest daughter is in her 3rd year of college and lives away from home. She had been home taught until her first day of college. It's true of me to say, I'm glad we did it, but on a Monday morning when you look down that table and see all those get to thinking, "Maybe I should have taken the money and went back to work full time after they were all born!"

Oh, but who am I kidding? Knowing that we taught them to read, write, act like little adults and take responsibility for one another and their own actions, makes me so glad we are continuing on the journey.

So, I am off to go teach one child Algebra, another how to diagram a sentence and another how to write in cursive.

Wish me luck!

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